2020 Exhibition designer Hallmann Messebau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf
2019 Master of Arts Communication Design, University of Applied Sciences Trier
2018 Bachelor of Arts Communication Design, University of Applied Sciences Trier
2016-2019 Student assistant marketing department of the Academy of European Law, Trier
2016 Demola in cooperation with UNICEF Finland / Graphic Design and Prototype lead
2016 Semester abroad Media at Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
2014 Studying Communication Design University of Applied Sciences Trier
2014 Part-time job Costume Tailor’s January–April, Stefanie Ludwig, Hagen a.T.W.
2013 Internship Costume Tailor’s September–December, Stefanie Ludwig, Hagen a.T.W.
2013 High School Gymnasium Oesede, Focus: Art, German, History
Linguistic proficiency German, English, et un peu de français
Computer skills Photoshop, After Effects, Indesign, Cinema 4D, Illustrator, Glyphs, Animate, Muse, Rhinoceros, Blender
Other activities Volunteered at City Library Georgsmarienhütte (2009–2014); Participated in a social seminar; Student internship Jeré Glass Design, Hagen a.T.W; Participated in the Media Design Camp Macromedia Academy Osnabrück
Höhenflug Corporate Design Design Made in Germany
Höhenflug Corporate Design Kommunikationsdesign Trier
Scholarship: "Film- und Mediennachwuchsförderung" Rheinland-Pfalz
Award ADC Junior Competition 2020 for Linné Samlingen